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The Minnesota Japanese School (MNJS) has provided Saturday supplemental education for Japanese speaking students in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas since 1978. MNJS accepts children, regardless of nationality, who demonstrate age-appropriate fluency in Japanese and can participate successfully in all-Japanese classes.
A primary goal of the program is to help students keep pace with their age cohort in Japan in language and math skills with minimum academic disadvantage.
Minnesota Japanese School also serves to reinforce ties for students to Japanese social and cultural values, and gives them opportunities to meet, speak, and play with other Japanese-speaking children. Active parent volunteering supports school functioning, and parents also have opportunities to enjoy social contact with one another.
Minnesota Japanese School currently offers classes in Japanese from kindergarten through middle school. The school is a non-profit organization 501(c), accredited and supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education.
Note: All classes are taught in Japanese. Japanese language proficiency is a prerequisite.  For English speakers seeking Japanese language instruction, Concordia Language Villages has a Japanese program called Mori no Ike which may be of interest.
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